Wednesday 26 March 2014

Review: Atelier

The hardest things when we move in a new city, is to find a new doctor and a new hairdresser. 

That's what we agreed on with Henry, my new hairdresser! 

People who knows me won't be surprised If I say that finding a new salon was a terrible quest. 

But now it's over, I am in peace! I know where I can go to change my hairstyle! I found a lovely salon called Atelier.

Fantastic and luxurious salon, I really enjoyed my first experience there.

Warm welcoming from super talented staff and a lot of delicate attentions: full head massage before your shampoo and hand massage while your conditioner does an amazing work on your hair!

All of that is common here, but not for a French girl like me, I did appreciate this care. 

The salon is a lovely place, well decorated, with good music between the sounds of the hair dryer! 

My hairdresser this day was Henry, trained in all aspects of Hairdressing and he will be pleased to guide you in your choices.

I left this place with an envelope containing a tester of a shampoo recommended for my hair and some voucher to sponsor new customers! 
A word to the wise :) 

Atelier Clifton
14 Regent Street
Clifton Village

1 comment:

  1. How kind of you! We are thrilled that you enjoyed your experience, come back soon!
    Atelier x
